Thursday, August 30, 2012

Whispered lies

A lie is a fickle creature. It slips past the lips quickly and whirls and twists its way through the thoughts of others.

Before long, the lie gets hungry and has to be fed. The only way to keep it from coming undone is to nourish it with another lie...and another. It will become temporarily sedated for days, perhaps weeks. Months. Years.

The thing about a lie, is that it cannot be killed with anything but the truth. Honesty can crush even the strongest of lies.

Lies are smart though...they have developed a nearly impenetrable shield. A weapon against destruction. And that weapon is fear. Fear easily chases the truth so far away that is is no longer threatening to the lie.

Fear and falsehoods are all too often triumphant over the truth. Unless the lie is never shared, never whispered from one to another...that would be the safest thing...

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