Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Heart Questions

When i was young, my mother instilled in me that is is not important that one is able to retain a vast amount of  information to memory. Instead, she would say, "learn how to find the information you desire and you will never be lacking in whit, wisdom, or knowledge".

I learned quickly how to use a phone book, dictionary, and library in order to obtain answers for the questions lingering outside my field of expertise.

What my mother failed to share with me, perhaps because she knew (as mothers usually do) that I would need to learn on my own, is that far too often the answer to the most important of questions cannot be found in one concrete form.

So many things we wonder about cannot be brought to clarity without trial and error. Passage of time. And this, to me, seems unfair.

One would think that with all the knowledge that exists in the universe, past and present accounted for, someone would have discovered a way to reach beyond answering questions of the mind, to those of the heart.

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