Monday, September 17, 2012

The Wrong Soul-mate

A soul-mate seems to be the prize at the end of humanities ultimate quest. The pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. The reward for countless hours spent preening to impress. Compensations for heart break. Satisfaction after an endless uphill battle.

How do you know when you have found "the one". It feels unfair that there would be only one. Like the cards are stacked against you and the universe gets to sit back and have a good laugh as she watches you scurry around, turning over the proverbial rocks in search for the person who will complete your life. The being whose pulse only begins to beat through them, when yours pauses.

Maybe there is more than one match to your mold. Perhaps the universe has crafted a handful of appropriate counterparts, all fitted for a different period in your considerate that would be.

But then...a new question arises: How would you know if you have grown out of the partner made for whichever stage of life you happen to be in? Does a bell ring? Does someone stand up in a crowd and holler "SWITCH"? Or do we continue to travel along our beaten path, carrying the wrong soul-mate?

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