Monday, September 24, 2012

Soul Mates. Or. The Other Shoe

How do we know when we have found the right one? The one who is the perfect compliment for ourselves? The one who has everything we lack and lacks everything we have? How do you know when to say..."yes, you'll do, you'll do just fine".

I think probably, it goes like this:

One day, you decide you need new shoes. You know what you like, and from experience you know what you don't. You will already have found out what styles pinch your toes, which ones make your ankles look funny, and which brand seems to fit perfectly at first...but once you walk around for awhile, they make your feet hurt so much you could cry.

So, you go out on a search and finally (perhaps after 1 store, perhaps after 23) you find shoes that fit you just right. They are the perfect color, they hold your feet like a hug. "These will go perfectly with all the pants I own" you will say in elation. " I can wear these to any occasion if I want". You think for a moment that you wish you had found something with buckles. The thought is fleeting though, and disappears almost before you knew it was there.

You pat yourself on the back with pride for finding the perfect shoes. "Won't mother be proud" you say to yourself, "won't my friends be impressed".

You take your shoes home with the knowledge that there is no need to search any longer. You are giddy with satisfaction that you have found the perfect pair.

Sometime later, while you are strolling along in your shoes, you will catch a glimpse of something in a window across the will stare through wide and hazy eyes at a beautiful pair of shoes...with buckles.

Be warned dear one, don't look too long. You have already spent all your money on the first pair of shoes.

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